
Just dropped off two one-inch master reels of a video feature at a downtown Boston media center to have them converted to DV for re-mastering. When I placed the reels on the desk in the reception area, the manager smiled and said, “I don’t see these much anymore.” And when I emailed my old editor… Continue reading


Mickey Kaus draws attention to the Los Angeles Times’ recent piece on the real plagiarism at the heart of Dorothy Kearns Goodwin’s work: Either nobody reads the Los Angeles Times, or it’s summer and nobody reads anything, or people are sick of the Doris Kearns Goodwin plagiarism story—but for some reason attention hasn’t been paid… Continue reading


The always captivating Camille Paglia in an email interview conducted by Andrew Sullivan for his web site: “Whatever its financial problems, Salon will go down in history as one of the most influential publications of our time. Its tone, style, and format have been massively imitated by web sites across the political spectrum. I’m very… Continue reading