
Vista blues: “In my view, we lost our way,” Vista’s manager, Jim Allchin, wrote in an e-mail (later posted online) to Microsoft founder Bill Gates and chief executive Steve Ballmer. “I would buy a Mac today if I was not working at Microsoft.” Ouch.


Well, whaddya know? I am: Robert A. Heinlein Beginning with technological action stories and progressing to epics with religious overtones, this take-no-prisoners writer racked up some huge sales numbers. Which science fiction writer are you? (But…I thought I was Gene Wolfe…or James Blish…)


Charles Krauthammer: There is no free lunch. Producing energy is going to produce waste. You pick your poison and you find a way to manage it. Want to do something about global warming? How many global warming activists are willing to say the word nuclear? He nails it, as usual.


One of the reasons I can’t get that worked up about so-called militant atheism is because I believe its major proponents are whistling past the graveyard. There is a threat out there…and it could destroy our way of life. But it isn’t religious fundamentalism. As Victor Davis Hanson points out, it’s something that should be… Continue reading