evolution · history of science · religion and science · theistic evolution

The ISSR Book Prizes for 2020

I’m late to reporting this, but my Templeton-Cambridge colleague and leading scholar in the field of science and religion, Fraser Watts, writes that the International Society for Science and Religion announced the winners for its 2020 Book Prize in September. Books on the interface between science and religion remain very popular. However, recent years have seen… Continue reading The ISSR Book Prizes for 2020

anthropology · David Christian · evolution · history of science · philosophy · philosophy of science · The Edge

Can Science Provide A Big History?

Over at The Edge, John Brockman features British historian David Christian on the need to come up with a new origin story that can serve the global community. Christian, the author of This Fleeting World: A Short History of Humanity, started his career as a professor of Russian history, and over the years as he refined his lectures on… Continue reading Can Science Provide A Big History?