
One more thing before we get off Allen’s case. Back when he had a sense of humor, he made that disconnect with attractive women a source of laughs (and intentional squirms). But by his later movies, his celebrity had fogged his brain. He just acted entitled. David Edelstein gets it right about Woody Allen.


H. Allen Orr on why Intelligent Design…isn’t. Another problem with Dembski’s arguments concerns the N.F.L. theorems. Recent work shows that these theorems don’t hold in the case of co-evolution, when two or more species evolve in response to one another. And most evolution is surely co-evolution. Organisms do not spend most of their time adapting… Continue reading


News about your digital self: The wealthy will be able to download their consciousness into computers by 2050 – the not so well off by “2075 or 2080”, claims futurologist Dr. Ian Pearson, head of the Futurology unit at BT. Um, aren’t there some unspoken assumptions here? So it’s been proven that a. we know… Continue reading