cloning · embryonic stem cells · SCNT · stem cells

Cloning for Stem Cells Advances

Generating robust stem cells via SCNT, also called therapeutic cloning, was not considered a practical option before the breakthroughs by Mitalipov, Egli et al. The approach was further tainted by the scandal surrounding Korean scientist Hwang Woo-Suk’s claims of success in cloning cell lines in 2005. A majority of scientists and the public also believe… Continue reading Cloning for Stem Cells Advances

ALS · embryonic stem cells · stem cells

Fetal Stem Cells To Treat ALS

Neuralstem’s treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), now into Phase 2 clinical trials, is getting more enthusiastic attention. Ted Harada, diagnosed with the disease in 2010, has been a walking advertisement for their treatment after two surgeries that he underwent as part of the Phase 1 clinical trials at Emory University. The surgeries restored his balance and ability to walk.… Continue reading Fetal Stem Cells To Treat ALS