
Favorite Liberals Dept. Dan Kennedy lets Maureen Down have it for her latest piece of NYT tripe: “Maybe Dowd considers herself just a cheap entertainer at this stage of her career, but there’s no excuse for this kind of disingenuousness. Rumsfeld may be in a heap of trouble (and he should be), but he clearly… Continue reading


Why Mark Steyn makes my day: “In the early hours of last Thursday morning, Washington opened the war by dropping a bunker buster on a meeting of the regime’s A-list psychos. Ever since, Saddam has been in reruns. Iraqi TV is dependent on generic exhortations to the masses that can be dated only by the… Continue reading


Just another reason why Tiger Woods has so much class: “Our Congress and President tried hard to avoid the use of force, but ultimately decided it was the best course of action. I like the assertiveness shown by President Bush and think we owe it to our political and military leaders, along with our brave… Continue reading


Interview I did with Jeremiah Kipp at Culture Dose is now online. Kipp was great to talk to. He really knows his film and video and I appreciated his straightforward qualms about shooting in video as opposed to film.


I can’t think of a conservative whose views on science I disagree with more—but on the issue of the Pope and his stance against the Iraq war, I think Tom Bethell hits the nail right on the head: “If the Pope were to say that an attack by Western countries on Iraq would not auger… Continue reading