
After the media hysteria over Shiite protests and the “looting” of the Iraqi National Museum, a welcome perspective from NRO’s Victor Davis Hanson: “The sheer number of factions emerging in Iraq is proof of the birth-pangs of democracy, the principled reluctance of the United States to impose its own rule, and the near-impossibility of fundamentalists… Continue reading


That big play today (four column head, page one) the New York Times gave the horror stories of torture and maiming in Iraq should be enough to convince die-hard Bush haters that the President did the world a major service in ridding it and the people of Iraq of a monster comparable to Adolph Hitler.… Continue reading


Guilty of intellectual dishonesty? David Berlinki’s latest in this month’s issue of Commentary (sadly, you have to pay for it online—but it’s well worth it) is a damning indictment of the increasingly shrill and tiresome Richard Dawkins. Dawkins has made a great show of claiming that a 1994 paper by biologists Suzanne Pelger and Dan-Erik… Continue reading


Today’s column by Jeff Jacoby on today’s Boston Globe Op Ed page, Where’s the Smoking Gun?, illustrates once again why he’s the best writer and thinker on Morrissey Boulevard. “It was Saddam and his circle of thugs who were responsible for the violent and often sadistic death of an estimated million human beings,” Jacoby wrote.… Continue reading