
Eric Alterman whines that his book What Liberal Media isn’t getting the attention it deserves because of the war in Iraq: Mr. Alterman told me he was “enormously gratified” by the reception to his book (good review in The Times), but added that he was also disappointed because the book had “been crowded out by… Continue reading


Quote of the week: Hadi Al-Baghdadi, a 42-year-old Iraqi living in Dearborn, had a suggestion for dealing with members of Saddam’s ousted regime. “Don’t kill them,” he said. “Put them in cages in a zoo. And then we can use the admissions fees to rebuild Iraq.”


Couldn’t Resist Dept. “They stand, they fight, sometimes they run when we engage them,” Brigadier-General John Kelly said. “But often they run into our machine guns and we shoot them down like the morons they are.” Read more.


Note from Jim Lileks to Senator John “Regime Change” Kerry: “If someone invaded America tomorrow, how many big public posters would they have to tear down? How many airports and hospitals and highways would they have to rename? How many statues would they have to topple?” Somehow I don’t think Kerry’s ever going to answer… Continue reading