
Victor Davis Hanson on how the U.S. should slowly change its foreign policy: “In the months since the Iraqi war, the world situation has, in fact, start[ed] to calm down; and with that equilibrium comes the realization that the old Cold War protocols no longer apply, and that the United States is in a far… Continue reading


Superb piece in the upcoming Weekly Standard about neo-conservatism, by the man who is sometimes called its Godfather, Irving Kristol: “People have always preferred strong government to weak government, although they certainly have no liking for anything that smacks of overly intrusive government. Neocons feel at home in today’s America to a degree that more… Continue reading


Steven Den Beste, on why the French still have not figured us out yet: “The people of the United States are many and are powerful. We lend some of that power to our government, but we retain even more. Our government serves us, but does not rule us. Most of the time we let our… Continue reading