
That big page-one tear-jerker the New York Times published today about the National Guardsman from California who “thought he was done with active military duty when he left the Marines for civilian life more than a decade ago and signed on with the National Guard a few years later” omits one major fact—the substantial amount… Continue reading


Friday’s big Boston Herald page-one photograph of Sen. John Kerry wiping a tear from his eye on the campaign trail yesterday was reminiscent of the act former President Clinton put on several years ago. Clinton was walking along briskly out of a funeral parlor after attending a public official’s wake when he saw a TV… Continue reading


I have written before about the tiresome Jonathan Franzen and his over-written cinder-block of a book, The Corrections. [No link; why should I encourage you?] If you can imagine someone even more self-absorbed and self-important, well, you might not be surprised to find it’s the woman who was living with him while he scrawled his… Continue reading


It was interesting to observe how the first of Sen. John Kerry’s numerous official announcements for the 2004 Democratic Presidential nomination was played in the local and national media today. The Boston Herald went overboard, making it the lead story and embellishing it with a flattering photograph covering two-thirds of the front page. The Boston… Continue reading