The beloved Bob Keeshan, aka Captain Kangaroo, has passed away at age 76. “[His] series first aired in October 1955 and continued until 1985, making it the longest running children’s series in network history.” Read more. I grew up with him. And with all due respect to Mr. Rogers, the Captain had a better sense… Continue reading
Month: January 2004
Here’s bad news for those of us who stream original content on the Web: “California-based holding company Acacia Research claims they hold patents on streaming, downloading and just about every form of digital audio and video distribution out there—including pushing MP3s from peer-to-peer groups, streaming newscasts from Internet radio sites and delivering movies through cable… Continue reading
Apple Computer’s i-Movie continues to make an impression in the world of independent filmmaking…. At the Hollywood level, Final Cut Pro debuts as a feature editor with Cold Mountain. Who’s onboard next, I wonder.
John Podhoretz: One of the most peculiar elements of the anti-immigrant intellectual movement is just how many of its members are themselves immigrants – John O’Sullivan, John Derbyshire and Peter Brimelow from England, and George Borjas from Cuba. I once found myself in an argument with a few of these gentlemen at a conference and… Continue reading
We’re all Mac users now.