It’s remarkable to me that in this month’s Special Issue of Scientific American on the work of Einstein, the feature article on the Cosmological Constant and the development of cosmology using Einstein’s field equations for General Relativity, the authors mention the contributions of Belgian physicist Georges Lemaitre…without ever once giving him credit. Just one example… Continue reading
Month: September 2004
Teresa Nielsen Hayden, excellent teacher as well as editor for Tor Books, has more good advice for writers: Certain words and phrases are like little genetic markers for scammers. Here’s a non-exhaustive list, non-exhaustively explained: 1. “Giving new writers a chance.” Also: “Helping new writers.” While agents and publishers frequently do just this thing, they… Continue reading
Current polls show the National Guard ‘story’ not only doesn’t seem to be hurting Bush, it may be helping…whereupon Jonah Goldberg offers this excellent advice: If this is the trend when the Guard story is in the news, maybe Bush should start bragging about going to hooker and cocaine parties while he was dodging physicals… Continue reading
Is it bandwidth or storage that really matters? There have been a number of recent debates/discussions about the viability of full IP-based, download or stream based delivery of video that reaches consumer televisions. There’s clearly enormous momentum and energy behind leveraging the open Internet, commodity bandwidth, etc. to deliver media. Two key industry insiders —… Continue reading
What’s next for the iPod? In what may prove to be the next big thing for the iPod, weblogger Adam Curry has released the source code to an application which allows users to automatically download MP3 audio files from weblogs and other web sites to their iPod. Read more.