
Victor Davis Hanson: As nations come to know the Chinese, and as a ripe Europe increasingly cannot or will not defend itself, the old maligned United States will begin to look pretty good again. More important, America will not be the world’s easily caricatured sole power, but more likely the sole democratic superpower that factors… Continue reading


Another superb overview of so-called Intelligent Design theory: And that’s the problem with ID: it’s simplistic. To argue that complex biological phenomena are “irreducibly complex” is to abandon the scientific quest. As Richard Dawkins, who boasts the bold professional title of Charles Simonyi Professor of the Public Understanding of Science at Oxford University, explains in… Continue reading


Well, this is definitely news. According to OsViews: MacDailyNews has an editorial which summarizes reports from various research groups that analyzed the number of computer users affected by viruses. The conclusion was that 16 percent of all computer users are not affected by viruses because they use Macs. The lack of viruses on a Mac… Continue reading