
Richard Dawkins refuses to live up to the stereotype painted of him by conservatives who like to cite him as an example of how acceptance of Darwin’s theory necessarily rules out belief in God: Is atheism the logical extension of believing in evolution? They clearly can’t be irrevocably linked because a very large number of… Continue reading


What Hollywood Fears. Excellent article from i2 Partners: Hollywood believes large-scale broadband video distribution would only destroy proven value, fail to provide alternative value, and alter a business model that is still far from being in decline. With near-total control of the most valuable program libraries and the business models governing their distribution, a shift… Continue reading


By all means, let’s teach the controversy! Linguists here in Canada have been following closely, with a mixture of amusement, bemusement, and, it must be admitted, a little trepidation, the deliberations of our neighbours to the south, who are currently considering, in a courtroom in Pennsylvania, whether “Wrathful Dispersion Theory,” as it is called, should… Continue reading