
Why I love Anthony Lane: The box-office returns for 2005 are not yet complete. “King Kong” is still slugging it out with “The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe,” and my money is on Tilda Swinton to beat the crap out of the primate.


“…stranger than we can imagine” Dept. Scientists using NASA’s Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer have found a doomed star orbiting what appears to be a medium-sized black hole – a theorized “in-between” category of black hole that has eluded confirmation and frustrated scientists for more than a decade. With the discovery of the star and its… Continue reading


This guy Ross, guest-blogging at Andrew Sullivan’s site…he’s good. Yet acknowledging that all deaths aren’t the same, and that all murders aren’t equally wicked, doesn’t mean that all lives don’t deserve legal protection. If I shoot a mother of four, it’s a much greater tragedy than if I shoot a friendless bum, and you’d probably… Continue reading


What can Apple learn from some of its competitors when it comes to video for it’s new iPod Video Player? …from the PSP? A bigger, wide-screen display would be nice. I also like the PSP’s use of removable media, whether blank or with video content already on it; that’s the way we’re used to watching… Continue reading


The usual suspects of the Buchanan beer hall wing of conservatism attack Gary Rosen’s defense of President Bush’s foreign policy. And Rosen answers eloquently.