Will the Palm become a Pod? Speculation that Apple plans to buy handheld maker Palm has been revived by a call from two leading Palm investors for the company to be put up for sale, according to the local paper of both companies. Mike Nelson, who owns eight per cent of Palm shares, argued that… Continue reading
Month: February 2006
Irony Dept. An American liberal writing in the New York Times Magazine tells, apparently without regret, how he pressured his teenage daughter to have an abortion until she gave in with the words, “I don’t have a choice.” (Here is the Weekly Standard article on the subject. The NYTM story itself is subscription only.)
The Tragedy of Michael Behe: Although I was not there to see him, the transcripts of his appearance at the Kitzmiller trial make for compelling, almost tragic reading, transpiring with steadfast quasi-delusional self-assurance as the testimony unfolded into a progressively more predictable humiliating fiasco. This impression was reinforced when Behe confidently stated, on the ID-the-Future… Continue reading
Literary discovery in…Conway, NH? You won’t believe this. A friend of mine from Harvard, Bob Glandon, who teaches English at a small college in New Hampshire, happens to live in Conway, NH, near the home of Dan Brown’s parents. He just wrote to tell me some remarkable news. Yesterday, he was taking his garbage to… Continue reading