
Actually, it wouldn’t surprise me if some folks saw Sullivan’s post as unworthy of a response. And it’s unclear what it is that needs be said by anyone, other than how terribly sad a day today is, even without the usual suspects determined to see every tragic event as simply more fodder for the political… Continue reading


How pathetic is it that Ann Coulter has to be tutored by the usual suspects in order to write nothing intelligible something about evolution for her new book?


This seems like good news. While the coalition was continuing to suffer human losses, “time is now beginning to be of service to the American forces and harmful to the resistance,” the document said. The document said the insurgency was being hurt by, among other things, the U.S. military’s program to train Iraqi security forces,… Continue reading


Everything seems to be up and running now with the podcasting of my novel Doctor Janeway’s Plague. Episode 9 was just posted this week. I also re-mastered the first 5 episodes with music and effects, which makes the whole thing a little more consistent. Now if I only had Laurence Olivier’s voice. Or Christopher Lee’s…… Continue reading


And Christopher Hitchens put his own two cents in: Most fascinating of all is the suggestion that Zarqawi was all along receiving help from the mullahs in Iran. He certainly seems to have been able to transit their territory (Herat is on the Iranian border with Afghanistan) and to replenish his forces by the same… Continue reading