The trials and tribulations of new technology…
Month: February 2007
Small publishers continue to succeed with the tools of new media and technology.
H. Allen Orr sums up why thin-skinned atheists should stop whining about the critical reviews that Dawkin’s vastly over-rated God Delusion received. The second thing wrong with Dennett’s objection is that it’s simply not true that The God Delusion was merely a popular survey and “not an attempt to contribute to …philosophical theology.” Dennett has… Continue reading
Mark Shea: Modern atheism is almost entirely a reaction to Christianity (and to a lesser degree, Judaism). Atheists focus their ire on Christianity, not on Thor or Zeus. But in their attempt to reject Christianity, they wind up either borrowing from assumptions that fundamentally presume some sort of supernature, or by insanely rejecting those assumptions… Continue reading
Cardinal Schoenborn evolves: Tonight he delivered a 62-minute lecture here in Manhattan outlining a judicious middle ground on the controversy, accepting the scientific evidence on evolution but rejecting the philosophical claims that evolution disproves the existence of God or of purpose in the universe. (He said that it was time to reclaim Darwin from Darwinism.)… Continue reading