
Jason Rosenhouse has an interesting post in the aftermath of the school massacre: The fundamentalists over at AiG are fools, but it is important to remember that more mainstream Christianity has no better answer than they for the problem of evil. The ability of people to deny the obvious is simply not to be believed.… Continue reading


Hitchens, making sense, as is his wont: She [Shaha] must indeed be happy to be dragged through the press as if she were some Levantine concubine or nontyping “secretary,” feathering a love-nest with ill-gotten gains. But that’s nothing to what Riza would have got if she had insisted on sticking to her original job, as… Continue reading


The Children of Hurin as it reads in the Silmarillion, is a great, dark, tale. Now, according to Salon, the full-length version finally put out by Tolkien’s son is well worth the wait: I came away from “The Children of Húrin” with a renewed appreciation for the fact that Tolkien’s overarching narrative is much more… Continue reading


Ralph Bennett at TCSDaily: Technology will always make it ever easier to live and die. And its “proper control” will continue to be the first refuge of those who find it difficult to believe, let alone deal with, the truth of an evil or demented mind, a dark heart, a hellishly bent soul and its… Continue reading