
Twenty years ago today, I started shooting my first big independent film project… Here are the first takes of a two-week shoot from Boston’s Long Island on August 30th, 1987. The production was Richard the Second. Shot in 1-inch on an Ikegami ITC 730, and Sony portable 1-inch deck. Cast included in these shots, Kadina… Continue reading


Have I mentioned lately how much I like James Wood? In some literary circles, Mr. Wood has been described as a brutal critic who has debunked many of the country’s most admired writers, including Don DeLillo, Toni Morrison and Thomas Pynchon. Others regard him as one of the most respected critics of his generation. He… Continue reading


I like reading Telic Thoughts once in a while, but this post by Krauze leaves me scratching my head. If I understand him correctly, he is implying (by a rather tenuous association based on a book blurb) that Barbara Forrest and Paul Gross and E. O Wilson are Nazis. Or maybe the book blurb just… Continue reading


Dan Rayburn looks at the new deal between Microsoft and Limelight Networks and wonders why analysts aren’t seeing the big picture for the future of video delivery. Worth quoting at length: For starters, this announcement has nothing to do with Akamai or any other CDN provider. Some analysts did get it right, but way too… Continue reading