
Brother Guy Consolmagno, on the life of a spiritual techie: The physical universe is simpler than the philosophical universe in a number of ways. For one thing, it plays fair: unlike certain religious hucksters, nature doesn’t deliberately try to trick you. Nor is it subject to the vagaries and prejudices of the human being studying… Continue reading


Italian Scientists, Overreacting.My, my, my, but what a tempest in a teapot. You’d think Italian physicists would have something else to get more worked up about. You know, like trying to pin down dark energy. But no: In a nutshell, therefore, Benedict is being faulted by the physics professors for quoting somebody else’s words, which… Continue reading


The continuing self-implosion of Roger Clemens: “He fell into a trap he didn’t see,” Ein said. “Early in the interview, he said about steroids, ‘Where would I get the needles?’ But later, talking about how McNamee’s injections were only lidocaine and vitamin B12, apparently needles were no problem. I guarantee you that the authorities are… Continue reading