Friday dose of Krauthammer: Which is not to say that Obama did not run a brilliant general election campaign. He did. In its tactically perfect minimalism, it was as well conceived and well executed as the electrifying, highflying, magic carpet ride of his primary victory. By the time of his Denver convention, Obama understood that… Continue reading
Month: November 2008
Have I mentioned that I live in a rough town?(All that Garden City stuff you hear about Newton is a bunch of crap.)
George Will’s post-mortem: As this is being written, Republicans seem to have lost a total of 55 House and 11 Senate seats in the last two elections. These are the worst Republican results in consecutive elections since the Depression-era elections of 1930 and 1932 (153 and 22), which presaged exile from the presidency until 1953.… Continue reading
This is hilarious: You Suck at PhotoShop…. Via Slate.
Rod Dreher sums it up: This election represents not an affirmative embrace of neoliberalism but rather a repudiation of the Republican Party and a certain kind of conservatism. It’s important for the left to recognize this in order to avoid the temptation to overreach in the heady Democratic days to come. One-party government didn’t work… Continue reading