
Good-bye to Brightcove
As of yesterday, Cambridge “start-up” video delivery company Brightcove shut off the free service it started a few years back, in order to pursue high-paying corporate clients. As you can see from the comments section of their blog-post, a lot of their more entrepreneurial users are not happy.

I’m surprised frankly Brightcove did not have the wherewithal to offer an entry-level option for small producers. Or… perhaps I should say I’m flattered that they think independent producers can dish out $6000/year for the ‘entry-level’ service.

In any case, we at Farrellmedia have taken the opportunity to port our videos from Brightcove over to Vimeo. While it doesn’t have as many features (yet) as Brightcove’s player–I must say Vimeo’s intuitively easier to use.