Thoughts for St. Patrick’s DayI found this extraordinary piece of Boston history at an antique shop in Newton Upper Falls. You can’t make out the date in the lower right hand corner of this rendition, but it says 1915. Not even a century ago, but it’s right around the time that both my grandfathers had… Continue reading
Month: March 2009
David Ignatius sees cause for concern: One reason this season feels so political is that Obama has stacked his administration with politicians and ex-government officials. You might think that with the greatest financial crisis of his lifetime, the president would want a few business leaders with experience managing large organizations in crisis. But no. Here’s… Continue reading
Will Saletan has a thoughtful piece in light of the president’s decision to lift the ban on stem cell research: Think about what’s being dismissed here as “politics” and “ideology.” You don’t have to equate embryos with full-grown human beings—I don’t—to appreciate the danger of exploiting them. Embryos are the beginnings of people. They’re not… Continue reading
Even with the TV muted, whenever I saw Rick Santelli’s puss on CNBC, he always looked like a blowhard. I used to change the channel whenever he was the guy on the trading floor. Now comes Jon Stewart, (HT Rod Dreher) to tell me that looks… weren’t deceiving. The Daily Show With Jon StewartM –… Continue reading
Hilarious. (Rated ‘R’ for language) Sony Releases New Stupid Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Fucking Work