Ever since Final Cut Pro 7 came out (with Final Cut Studio) and more tools like BorisFX have made the whole workflow more manageable, I’ve been meaning to set aside some time to fully restore my adaptation of Richard the Second. While I was happy with the DVD that Sub Rosa brought out in 2004, and Ron Bonk at SRS has been a great guy to work with throughout, a technical snag during the DVD authoring process forced the manufacturer to master the DVD from an S-VHS dub, rather than the DV-master tapes. Not exactly the optimum resolution and quality I had wanted, though it was a step up from its previous web-sized resolution, which first got the attention of film journals and DV magazines.
But having the tools now, especially in Final Cut and BorisFX, to make this look and sound the way we intended it to, back in the quixotic days when we thought we could raise the money to complete the 35mm film transfer, I’m going to roll up my sleeves and dive in again. I’m not going to rush it, but hope to complete a final director’s cut for DVD on Amazon by the end of the year.