Music Notes
A little dissonance to start off the Halloween season.
A little dissonance to start off the Halloween season.
I’m still chuckling over this breathless post by Paul Cella at What’s Wrong with the World. Once again a conservative with no obvious acquaintance with working biologists is touting the ‘news’ that a ‘revolution’ in how biologists do biology is in the offing.Larry Moran applies the cold water.
PZ Myers writes that one of Michael Behe’s sons has become an atheist. It’s actually a bit sad: he comes right out and says that he’s an anti-theist, but that he’s never told his parents (I guess the news is out now!). It also sounds like he’s a bit estranged from his father, saying “I… Continue reading A Defection
Like many truly tragic figures, I think Joe Sobran brought the greatest hardships of his life upon himself. He was a gifted writer. Jody Bottum has a brief tribute here.
I agree with PZ Myers: I’m very pleased to see that Greg Bear’s Darwin’s Radio gets mentioned for its bad biology. That one has annoyed me for years: Bear does a very good job of throwing around the jargon of molecular genetics and gives the impression of being sciencey and modern, but it’s terrible, a… Continue reading Evolution in Science Fiction