I. Kid. You. Not.
Yep. And what better way to get attention than hold your “conference” nearby a university, to give it more respectability.
Yep. And what better way to get attention than hold your “conference” nearby a university, to give it more respectability.
The Wall Street Journal has hired a former Atlantic editor to broaden it’s book review coverage. I wouldn’t mind getting in on this.
Larry Moran at Sandwalk: “The writings of people like Michael Ruse and Dan Dennett should convince most other philosophers to back off before they discredit the entire discipline of philosophy.”
Larry Moran had a chance to meet Michael Lynch at the recent 18th Annual Meeting of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution in Lyons, France. He gave a talk on Evolution of Mutation Rates, a topic many of us treat with a large degree of skepticism—until we’re confronted by Michael Lynch. He makes a… Continue reading “So, there were these two Irish biologists…”
Great post by Walter Russell Mead: The problems we face today are urgent and complex, but they are not the problems of failure. We are suffering the consequences of success. We are not like Pakistan, Egypt, Russia, or dozens of other countries who are struggling with the consequences of decades and even centuries of failures… Continue reading Buck Up, America