Going to Hell?
About which I heartily agree with Jerry Coyne.
About which I heartily agree with Jerry Coyne.
I saw Sunday that Zoe Pollock at Daily Dish had kindly picked up on my Friday piece for the Journal, but Mark Shea alerted me to a follow up today. A reader writes: I think you misread Farrell’s piece. While giving Pius some credit for dealing with the issue of evolution, Farrell’s main point was… Continue reading The Prescient Pope
Yes, says former Oxford professor Gabriel Josipovici. The fact that such writers had won so many awards was “a mystery”, Josipovici told the Guardian. He added: “It’s an ill-educated public being fed by the media – ‘This is what great art is’ – and they lap it up.” It is a view apparently now shared… Continue reading Are British Authors Overrated?
I’m not sure how long this has been available for viewing online, but a very good debate between Stephen Barr and Michael Behe from this past April on Intelligent Design in the science class. Naturally, I take Barr’s side. I wish they had included the Q/A from the audience members as well.