Harris Redux
Now that both sides have vented, Brandon Watson weighs in with some thoughts on Sam Harris’s TED Talk.
Now that both sides have vented, Brandon Watson weighs in with some thoughts on Sam Harris’s TED Talk.
Thus, the New Atheists’ favorite argument turns out to be just a version of the old argument from infinite regress: If you try to explain the existence of the universe by asserting God created it, you have solved nothing because then you are obliged to say where God came from, and so on ad infinitum,… Continue reading
I think Allen pretty much gets it right. He also says fat chance the pope can be arrested when he goes to the UK.
God Bless Paul Harding: For three years, Paul Harding’s unpublished novel, “Tinkers,’’ sat in a drawer. The writer, a former Boston rock drummer who grew up in Wenham, had tried selling it, but nobody was interested. “I thought, ‘Maybe I’ll be a writer who doesn’t publish,’ ’’ Harding, 42, said this week, a day after… Continue reading
(photo filtered by the author) Memories of the WarOn Monday I was in my father-in-law’s room at the Neurological Institute in Montreal, listening to him tell my wife, slowly, with two words or three when he could muster the breath, about the dates that his own father spent in concentration camps during the war.… Continue reading Memories from the Ward