apologetics · atheism · Christianity

“No True Scotsman” Gambit

And Mark Chu-Carroll has had enough if it: If you talk to a christian about, say, the holocaust, they’ll say that the Nazi’s weren’t really christian. The crusaders who raped and pillaged their way across Europe? Not really christian. The inquisitioners, who tortured and killed all of those innocent people in the name of christianity?… Continue reading “No True Scotsman” Gambit

Christianity · Rome

How much worse are things going to get in Rome? Rod Dreher discusses. I can tell you something from my own reporting years ago. Benedict was in as much denial as anybody else in Rome, until 2002, when his fax machine at his Vatican office began disgorging round the clock reports from American dioceses detailing… Continue reading

Christianity · evolution

Steve Matheson has an excellent two-part essay at ‘An Evangelical Dialogue on Evolution‘ concerning the teaching of biology at Calvin College. Part one is here. And the follow up was just posted. Not to be left out, Scott Carson has a good post on evolutionary theory as it relates (or rather doesn’t) to Catholic theology.