
Allen MacNeill, with a great piece on Lynn Margulies: It’s very gratifying to see Lynn Margulis finally getting the recognition that she deserves. As the originator of the serial endosymbiosis theory (SET) for the origin of eukaryotes, Lynn’s work provides an excellent example of how ID should (but currently doesn’t) proceed. During the late 1960s,… Continue reading


I’m flattered (and somewhat humbled) that Mark Shea (who’s been blogging a heckuva lot longer than I have) gives a rat’s behind what I think about anything.


The “Expelled” producers are being sued for copyright infringement. Ironic. They had enough money to pay extras to fill a theatre at Pepperdine to look like real students listening to Ben Stein, but they were too cheap to pay a license fee for John Lennon’s music.


Leon Wieseltier opens with the sound of church bells, an invitation to think about more than music: I was reminded of the evolution of my relationship to the ravishments of other traditions when I read about the controversy at Harvard about the broadcast of the Muslim call to prayer in Harvard Yard. It was sounded… Continue reading