
David Bentley Hart on the limits of natural law theory

“In abstraction from specific religious or metaphysical traditions, there really is very little that natural law theory can meaningfully say about the relative worthiness of the employments of the will. There are, of course, generally observable facts about the characteristics of our humanity (the desire for life and happiness, the capacity for allegiance and affinity,… Continue reading David Bentley Hart on the limits of natural law theory

atheism · criticism · Francis Bacon · literature · Northrop Frye · religion · William Butler Yeats

The Melancholy Choice

If men are compelled to make the melancholy choice between atheism and superstition, the scientist, as Bacon pointed out long ago, would be compelled to choose atheism, but the poet would be compelled to choose superstition, for even superstition, by its very confusion of values, gives his imagination more scope than a dogmatic denial of… Continue reading The Melancholy Choice

Boston Globe · einstein · film · history of science · stem cells

Catch Up for Thanksgiving, 2015.

Some recent posts: My review of the film, Spotlight, about the Boston Globe’s investigation of the clerical abuse scandal in the Catholic Church. My Forbes post on Canadian researcher Timothy Kieffer and his lab’s breakthrough on a stem cell therapy for the treatment of Type 1 diabetes. And my plug for the History Channel’s Einstein… Continue reading Catch Up for Thanksgiving, 2015.