
With the Shanley revelations and today’s Globe calling for Cardinal Law’s resignation (and a front page story concerning the implosion of his support) it just seems a matter of time before the Cardinal does resign. Eileen McNamara has an interesting piece, wondering whether the reason for coddling Shanley is because of blackmail. She writes: Absent… Continue reading


First, this item from the front page of today’s Boston Globe: During a Holy Week news conference in Rome, Cardinal Dario Castrillon Hoyos noted that most of the questions on clergy sexual abuse had been posed in English, and called that fact ”an X-ray of the problem.” Castrillon cited research by Philip Jenkins, a professor… Continue reading


With the release of Final Cut Pro 3, at least one veteran online editor and DV guru thinks that Adobe will cease upgrading Premiere for the Mac. (This is probably “No kidding, you think?” obvious to many DV specialists.) Version 6.0 is the last gasp. It’s a shame in the sense that Premiere was there… Continue reading


Web logging was front and center this week as Alex Beam of the Boston Globe attacked New Republic writer Andrew Sullivan and syndicated political humor columnist James Lileks for their web logs–and web logging in general. Beam’s schtick is, of course, to be a carmudgeon, but his whining seemed more than a bit forced. I… Continue reading


As Dan Shaughnessy and Peter Gammons point out in today’s Globe, pehaps the best thing about this year at Fenway is that the new owners have already effected so many positive changes behind the scenes. Gone is the institutionalized arrogance that was part of the John Harrington (Bud Selig’s bag man) and Dan “Baby Doc”… Continue reading