
That big puff piece on Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts in today’s Boston Globe had a rather amusing 2-column head atop it: “John Kerry hasn’t said he’ll run for President, but he’s hoping that people will get to know him—and like him.” Of course, every one at the Globe and the N.Y. Times which owns the Globe, knows that he positively is, but play along with him. However, keep an eye on the other senator from the Bay State! Ted Kennedy is not amused by all the play the junior senator from Mass. who married all that Heinz money on his last trip to the altar, is getting and in line for in the months ahead.

Kevin Paul Dupont, the Globe’s premier hockey writer, had an outstanding analysis of the Bruins collapse at the hands of the Montreal Canadiens in the first round of the Stanley Cup play offs this morning. Since the heavily-favored Bruins’ swan dive, many Boston hockey writers have cited tough luck and other weak excuses for the team’s failure. Dupont laid it on the line with a highly critical review of the club. His lead paragraph summed it up very clearly: “Don’t be fooled. The better team didn’t lose. The Bruins began summer vacation Sunday night for a reason, actually for a number of reasons, but the first and foremost because the Montreal Canadiens outworked and outplayed them from front to back.”