Food for thought: That Boston’s Bernard Cardinal Law, or at least his advisers, are becoming more adept playing the media game is apparent from the latest developments in the ongoing scandal which has rocked the Catholic Church. His 15-member Finance Council was to have convened last Wednesday for a vote approving $7 million in payments to 86 alleged victims of John Geoghan who has been defrocked and is now in jail for his sexual escapades with boys and young men. But the cardinal canceled the meeting only hours before its scheduled start, with no new date set up. On Thursday the fifteen council members were called individually and told the session was on again and set for yesterday. With another torrent of bad publicity concerning Cardinal Law’s dereliction of duty throughout the growing crisis certain to follow, one may easily speculate that the cardinal changed the date to take advantage of the lower readership of the smaller circulation Saturday newspapers. What do you think???