
Paul Johnson on France: “France is playing the peace card because it is the only one it holds. But for fragile entities like Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, France, which recently failed to impose its military will on a small West African state (the Ivory Coast), has nothing to offer. In the end, as Hobbes pointed… Continue reading


I don’t normally blog on religious issues, but the scandal in Boston—and now its disturbing aftermath in the Catholic press—have raised some questions among Catholics who have never been at odds with the Church but now find themselves, as Eileen McNamara recently wrote in the Boston Globe, Still Catholic But Changed. Last month Richard John… Continue reading


I have to agree with some of Glenn Reynolds’ critics. We were in the taxi on the way home from Logan (and St. Thomas) last night. To me, Bush sounded very patient and determined. Not pumped. Not bellicose. And indeed, he passed over many opportunities that I would have used to rub the French and… Continue reading