Although the Boston Globe’s on-going campaign to discredit President Bush on a daily basis may delude and satisfy the papers’ owners in New York as well as the liberal establishment in Greater Boston academia, the anti-Bush vapors coming out of Morrissey Boulevard are befitting the old M. Doyle dump site on which the Globe sits.… Continue reading
Month: July 2003
One of the drawbacks of going with a print-on-demand publisher is that you can’t sell your novels at a competitive rate. A trade paperback from Tor goes for $8.95 or $12.95. But your novel from just about any POD outfit will start at $15.95. That’s just the cost of production. That’s about five dollars more… Continue reading
New York Press columnist Russ Smith has given former Boston Globe columnist Mike Barnicle, who now writes a weekly piece for the N. Y. Daily News, as rough a going-over as this veteran newspaperman has seen in decades. Smith virtually accuses Barnicle of plagiarism for lifting segments of a piece Jimmy Breslin wrote for Newsday… Continue reading
The big story and head: Access problems dog convention center on the front page of today’s (July 7) Boston Globe describe just the tip of the iceberg regarding the obstacles facing the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center scheduled to open on the South Boston waterfront next June. More and more the center is beginning to… Continue reading
It will be interesting to see if any of the money-hungry lawyers who are smacking their lips at the prospects of suing Burger King, McDonald’s and other fast food chains for contributing to the ill health (obesity) of Americans, also target a great musician like the late Fred Waring in their attempt to pick the… Continue reading