According to today’s New York Times:
In all of Cashman’s topspin and dropspin in trying to explain Pettitte’s departure during a conference call with reporters yesterday in the principal owner’s conspicuous absence, the general manager’s most telling words were: “I’m glad he’s in the National League. I’m glad he’s not in Boston.”
You know it’s the Red Sox who are supposed to be obsessed with beating the champion New Yankees, not the other way around. Tells you something about the way the dynamics are changing between these two clubs. (They can feel us coming….)
Update: And here’s a more damning take from the New York Post’s Mike Vaccaro:
“One night, you go to bed and you have a clubhouse that is the envy of every baseball fan ever born, a mixture of talent and character, a gentle blend of grit, guile and guts, a team even the most ardent Yankees-hater has difficulty truly loathing.
“The next morning, you wake up, and Tino Martinez has become Jason Giambi; David Cone and Orlando Hernandez have become Javier Vazquez and Jose Contreras; Paul O’Neill has become either Gary Sheffield or Vladimir Guerrero; Scott Brosius has become Aaron Boone; and Andy Pettitte has become Kevin Brown. ”