
Gee, I wonder if anyone at the Boston Globe has seen this: * Every one of the Army’s 10 divisions — its key combat organizations — has exceeded its re-enlistment goal for the year to date. Those with the most intense experience in Iraq have the best rates. The 1st Cavalry Division is at 136… Continue reading


Today’s must-read from Michael Barone: Two generations ago, Americans, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of deaths, changed minds in Germany and Japan. The Pew Global Project Attitude’s metrics give us reason to believe that today’s Americans, at far lower cost, are changing minds in the Muslim world.


Christopher Hitchens on Cindy Sheehan: “What do these people imagine that they are demanding? Would they like a referendum to be held, among the relatives of the fallen in Iraq, to determine the future conduct of the war? I think I can promise them that they would heavily lose such a vote. But what if… Continue reading


In the long run, though, intelligent design will probably prove a political boon to liberals, and a poisoned chalice for conservatives. Like the evolution wars in the early part of the last century, the design debate offers liberals the opportunity to portray every scientific battle–today, stem-cell research, “therapeutic” cloning, and end-of-life issues; tomorrow, perhaps, large-scale… Continue reading