Still more conservatives are waking up to the fraudulence of ‘Intelligent Design’. If the collapse of ID represents a defeat for the Religious Right, it has been something of a relief for many nonreligious conservatives, who have wanted nothing more than for the issue to go away. Charles Krauthammer, for instance, complained that the Dover… Continue reading
Month: May 2006
Ed Brayton illustrates why “honest” is not exactly the first word one thinks of to describe the antics of Discovery Institute founder Bruce Chapman. Update: especially given the obvious phoniness of stunts like this.
Have the Yankees become the Welfare State of Major League Baseball? I’m watching the (fun!) game last night between the Yanks and the Sox, and I notice that almost every coach working for Joe Torre (Pena at first, Kerrigan in the Bullpen, etc.) is a former team manager who was recently fired. (Hey–why didn’t Steinbrenner… Continue reading
Brian McGrory at the Globe gets kudos for helping spread the good news about Father Murphy’s exoneration. He makes a good point, too, about Mitchell Garabedian, and why he should’ve quit when he was ahead: Garabedian has done a world of good for a lot of victims of pedophilic priests, but in Murphy’s situation he’s… Continue reading
You gotta love the guys at the Vatican’s Observatory. They really do…just…like to piss off creationists.