
Peter Wehner deconstructs George Will: It’s worth asking Mr. Will: does he believe what is needed in the Middle East is more repression, more violence, more mass graves, more Saddam Husseins, more Hafez al-Assads, and more Yasir Arafats? Would these things lead to more “stability” in the Middle East? Would they advance American interests? Would… Continue reading


He was indeed an old style newsman. Dan Kennedy, Jay Fitzgerald and others were so kind enough to post about my father (with several local commentators expressing interest in his prospective book) that I thought I would give you a little taste of what’s in the archive: Here’s David J. Farrell with Ted Kennedy during… Continue reading


My father, David J. Farrell, former Boston Globe political columnist and Boston Herald Traveler managing editor (and occasional contributor to this blog), passed away in his sleep on Friday morning, August 4th. Funny thing was, just before my sister called me at 5:45 AM with the news, my little daughter had woken up from a… Continue reading