There Must Be Some Mistake Here! Dept.Fascinating discussion over at Maverick Philosopher, in which Richard Dawkins (inadvertently!) hearkens back to Thomas Aquinas.
Month: January 2007
Excellent interview with Heather MacDonald posted at Razib’s… So in the American Conservative piece I wanted to offer some resistance to the assumption of conservative religious unanimity. I tried to point out that conservatism has no necessary relation to religious belief, and that rational thought, not revelation, is all that is required to arrive at… Continue reading
New Year’s resolution for 2007. In their own words, as Barbara Forrest makes plain in her excellent summary: The legal defeat of ID is forcing Wedge strategists to seek new markets for their creationism and to work their conservative Christian market more thoroughly. They are peddling ID abroad: DI has added international signatories to “A… Continue reading
How about a little good news to start the New Year? For now, it’s worth popping that leftover bottle of champagne. Somalia’s homegrown fanatics and their al Qaeda allies are on the run; the Ethiopian military is hunting down wanted terrorists (including several implicated in the bombing of our embassies in Kenya and Tanzania), and… Continue reading