
I (finally) just finished Lee Smolin’s The Trouble With Physics. There have been many reviews and lots of back-and-forth on the scientific blogosphere regarding its main theme: that String Theory (or more accurately String Theories) is a dead end unless the establishment realizes that more encouragement and backing needs to be given to those promising… Continue reading


It’s Friday and time for a dose of Krauthammer: The senator was vexed. The U.S. auto companies were resisting attempts by her and other Senate well-meaners to impose a radical rise in fuel efficiency by 2017. Why can’t they be more like the Chinese, she complained. Or, to quote Sen. Dianne Feinstein precisely: “What the… Continue reading


Ross Douthat yawns his way through Christopher Hitchens’ new tome. But hey, every talented writer, including Hitch, is entitled to be a bore on one subject. Then again, maybe not.