
My bloglines subscriptions are getting so stacked I have a hard time keeping up with all the good (and often great) material that appears, even over the course of a few days. For example, here are two excellent posts by Bill Vallicella. Does the Atheist Deny What the Theist Affirms? and A. C. Grayling and… Continue reading


Jason Rosenhouse, PZ Myers, et al, meet Scott Carson: It doesn’t help that many modern day Christians have abandoned their Neoplatonic roots and think that physical suffering is a Bad Thing that trumps just about everything else, including the fact that our souls are supposedly immortal. If you really have an immortal soul, and if… Continue reading


Excellent post today by Massimo Pigliucci over at Rationally Speaking: So we observe the pathetic attempts to undermine science by practitioners of so-called “science studies,” who usually know very little about the science they criticize; on the other hand, high-caliber scientists of the like of physicist Steven Weinberg and biologist E.O. Wilson dismiss philosophy as… Continue reading