Finding an Edge Part TwoI wrote in the first part about the challenges facing the publishing industry in the current economic recession, one that is likely to cause longer lasting problems for writers than previous downturns. (Speaking of which, Pat Holt has a good post on one editor’s response to her earlier blogging about the… Continue reading
Month: January 2009
Father Richard John Neuhaus, for whose magazine I’ve had the privilege to write, has passed away. His illness was sudden, brought on by cancer. As Joseph Bottum, FT editor wrote in an email to his friends today: He never recovered from the weakness that sent him to the hospital the day after Christmas, caused by… Continue reading
Memo to Richard DawkinsYou might want to try this for your next ad-campaign. Guaranteed to resonate with a significant percentage of the population.
Finding an Edge: Part OneHow bad are things in book publishing? It’s old news that the trade division of my old company, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, has not only laid off a significant percentage of its staff, but has announced it will not be acquiring new books for the entire year of 2009. This has prompted… Continue reading
David Pryce-Jones on Harold Pinter.