
Is niche publishing the way of the future for the trades? Not only is focusing on a specific niche beneficial in terms of selling books, it ultimately helps a publisher grow by establishing authority within their niche. Because niche publishers are focused on engaging with a targeted audience, they must concentrate on building a brand… Continue reading


Bill Vallicella takes a closer look at C.S. Lewis and the problem with his famous ‘trilemma’. (He doesn’t spare Peter Kreeft either.) When Jesus says, “I and the Father are one,” for example, this could be taken as an exaggerated expression of the proposition that Jesus and the Father are on extremely intimate, or even… Continue reading

science · space exploration

I agree with Phil Plait. We should plan on returning to the Moon…and staying there. I don’t want a repeat of the Apollo program: a flag-and-footprints mission where we go there, look around, and then come home for another 40 years. I want to go there and stay there. Apollo was done as a race,… Continue reading


Samuleson on health care reform: Only leadership that persuaded people that the prospective benefits outweighed the risks would make the health care system’s transformation possible. Obama hasn’t provided it. He would mainly perpetuate the status quo and increase the number of insured. It’s a missed opportunity that is a big reason why the nation’s budget… Continue reading