It’s Official
Well, I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me, considering how long I’ve been eligible, but today I’m an official member of the NASW.
Well, I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me, considering how long I’ve been eligible, but today I’m an official member of the NASW.
Question for iPad Competitors: Now what?
Oh, wait, no it was Craig Venter. And he introduced a synthetic genome into a bacterial cell. Is this as huge as some bloggers claim or fear? Christina Agapakis has some thoughts: Synthia, the transplant of a single synthetic genome, does not inherently change the biosafety landscape of synthetic biology (sometimes called the “halfpipe of… Continue reading And God Took His Pipette and…
Walter Russell Mead takes stock of the movement to remake the world in…some intellectuals’ image.
Arthur Hunt and Steve Matheson got a chance on Friday to question Stephen Meyer on some of the points in his book Signature in the Cell. Hunt’s post on the experience is here. Steve’s will be online soon.