Aquinas · Darwin · intelligent design

Brooke on Paley, Design, and all that…

Apropos the continuing com-storm Ed Feser has stirred up with his critical posts on “intelligent” design (all of which I agree with), I was struck by this passage from John Hedley Brooke’s Science and Religion: Some Historical Perspectives, which bears up precisely what Ed’s saying: Brooke devoted a chapter to Paley’s approach to natural theology,… Continue reading Brooke on Paley, Design, and all that…


Quote of the week, from Zippy: “Of course I’m the sort who reflexively chambers a round when I hear the words ‘nothing but’ on general principles.”


Memo to Joseph Sobran and Tom Bethell

I’ve wish-listed this new book on Shakespeare: Despite the failure of early cipher-hunters such as Owen, Elizabeth Wells Gallup and Ignatius Donnelly to find anything meaningful, the idea that Shakespearean texts contain coded messages of authorship remains central. The Sonnets, with their apparently confiding, first-person voice, have proved fertile ground. Oxfordians find anagrams of “Vere”… Continue reading Memo to Joseph Sobran and Tom Bethell