evolution · intelligent design

John C. Avise has a new paper, basically summarizing the more detailed points of his book, Inside the Human Genome, that will no doubt be keeping some of the folks in Seattle busy. I’ve been in contact with Avise, hoping to do a review and interview about it, for this blog if not another journal.


I’m reading the Fodor/Piatelli-Palmarini book now, but John Wilkins is not impressed. Jerry Fodor is a smart guy in his field, but if this is his argument, it is childish. This, which is called “referential opacity” in philosophy (“You know your father. You do not know the Masked Man. Therefore the masked man is not… Continue reading

evolution · intelligent design

Steve Matheson pretty much nails the problem with Stephen Meyer (and the rest of the Discovery Institute fellows.) Now, if you’re not a biologist, you might think the error is trivial, purely semantic, a typing glitch induced by the proximity of the word ‘virulent.’ And that last part is probably right. But this biologist finds… Continue reading