
A Fine Pavement: Coming in 2020

We’re now in post-production, and delighted to be working with Spanish composer Paco Periago on the score for the film. GiroStudio is doing the color correction and sound mixing. Below are some stills from the shoot. Douglas G. Griffin and Andrew Winson Matthew Zahnzinger and Douglas G. Griffin Ed Peed and Douglas G. Griffin Douglas… Continue reading A Fine Pavement: Coming in 2020


David Bentley Hart on the limits of natural law theory

“In abstraction from specific religious or metaphysical traditions, there really is very little that natural law theory can meaningfully say about the relative worthiness of the employments of the will. There are, of course, generally observable facts about the characteristics of our humanity (the desire for life and happiness, the capacity for allegiance and affinity,… Continue reading David Bentley Hart on the limits of natural law theory